
Your pet suffers from constipation. He has difficulty evacuating his stool, which has accumulated in the large intestine and become hard and dry.

The following factors may contribute to constipation:

1. Obesity. Frequently obese animals are less active and lazier and won’t always evacuate their stool as soon as they feel the urge. Therefore, the stool remains in the colon longer and the water it contains is reabsorbed causing it to become harder and drier. Furthermore, since obese animals are generally less active, the intestinal peristalsis is slowed down and causes the stool to remain longer.

2. A neurological weakness related to the intestine causes reduced peristalsis.

3. Lack of exercise.

4. A fractured pelvis with displacement of bone fragments can cause a reduction in the space through which the colon passes, obstructing the passage of stool.

5. Low consumption of water or dehydration. Water in the stool is therefore reabsorbed.

6. A poor quality diet. This can contribute to making an animal obese because he consumes empty calories. He therefore eats to feel satisfied. Furthermore, several nutrients won’t be absorbed by the intestine and there will be more residue, forming larger stools in larger amounts.

7. A primary illness which has secondary effects on the digestion.

To relieve the constipation of your pet, we have proceeded to treat with an enema. 


To reduce the risk of recurrence, we recommend that you follow the directions below with the goal being to produce softer stools:

1. Offer a laxative paste (light laxative). Some cats love the taste and will take it without a problem. If not, apply it directly on his pallet between the two upper canines.

2. Give him cisapride (Strong laxative). This laxative is used in combination with lactulose. However, its full effect won’t be attained until after 3 weeks of treatment.

3. Offer him an intestinal diet such as available at the clinic. Given the low quantity of residue, a smaller volume of stool will be formed.

4. Stimulate his water consumption (see list of helpful tricks).

5. Get him to do more exercise.

6. If a specific cause has been found for your animal’s constipation, please follow the instructions you were given.