Managing calcium oxalate infections

The bladder stones removed from your pet have been identified as calcium oxalate stones. These stones generally form in acidic urine or also because there is an increase of calcium in the blood.
In order to reduce the risk of recurrence, we encourage you to follow these recommendations:

- Have the blood calcium levels measured if it hasn’t already been done.
- Encourage your pet to drink more water
- Make sure to feed your pet with the veterinarian diet that was recommended
(ex.: C/D multicare, U/D Hill’s or MC/RC Urinary SO) and nothing else.

-You may need to return and see your veterinarian for follow-up tests.
-Urine control tests may be suggested to verify PH urine levels.
-X- Rays may be suggested to check for recurrences of bladder/kidney stones.
-If blood calcium levels were elavated before surgery, then be sure to follow any recommendations that were made in that regard.