Deramaxx® (deracoxib)
Name of the molecule :
Description of th drug :

It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug of the class of coxibs . It is therefore an anti-inflammatory and an analgesic.
Indications :
This product is used to control pain and inflammation from injury, surgery or other pain in dogs. It is also used in the treatment of transitional cell carcinoma, a cancer of the bladder.
Do not use, unless advised by a veterinarian, if your pet has a liver or kidney problem, hypoproteinemia (abnormally low protein levels in the blood), a condition that may predispose to hypercoagulability, ie an increase in the ability of the blood to clot, if it has an ulcer in the stomach or if it is taking another medicine to control the pain or inflammation.
Side effects :
This medication is usually well tolerated. However, it is possible to observe effects in the digestive system, such as vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss, diarrhea, digested blood (black) or fresh (red) in the stool, a discharge of blood through the mouth (most often during vomiting), ulcers or perforation of the digestive system. In the urinary system, your pet may drink and urinate more often, have blood in his urine, incontinence, nitrogen (presence of nitrogen in the blood) or a kidney problem. The drug may also cause liver toxicity or anemia, decreased platelets, increased respiratory rate, decreased heart rate, cough, fever, facial swelling, hives or dermatitis. At the neurological level, it is possible to observe, among other things, lethargy, weakness or convulsions. If your pet has serious, worsening or persistent adverse effects, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Recommended follow-up :
It is important to monitor if your pet's condition is improving and if there are any side effects. Periodic examinations with the veterinarian are necessary for a complete evaluation, including hematology and biochemistry, to check the function of the liver and kidneys.
Interactions with other drugs :
Do not use deracoxib unless advised by a veterinarian if your pet is taking a kidney-toxic agent, such as diuretics, amphotericin B, and aminoglycosides, another nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. aspirin, a corticosteroid, digoxin , fluconazole , furosemide, an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor or methotrexate.
Storage :
At room temperature. Excess heat or cold should be avoided. This medicine should be kept in a dry place.
Warning: Although this medication may be given without food, it is best to give it with the irritating effect it may have on the stomach. Make sure your pet has constant water so that it does not dehydrate. Do not change the dose prescribed by your veterinarian without consulting it, as this may cause serious adverse effects in your pet. Respect the expiry date of the product, as an expired product may be less effective or potentially harmful to your pet's health. * Keep out of the reach of children and animals. *