Thera-K® (Potassium Gluconate)
Active ingredient
Potassium gluconate
Drug description :

It is an electrolyte essential for the maintenance of tonus, that is to say the form of the cells, the transmission of nervous impulses, the contraction of muscles, the synthesis of proteins and the proper functioning of the kidneys.
Indications :
It is a potassium supplement used to prevent and treat deficits.
Contraindications :
Do not use, unless advised by a veterinarian, if your pet suffers from a kidney problem, hyperkalemia, that is to say an excess of potassium in the blood, Addison’s disease also known as hypoadrenocorticism, dehydration, a hemolytic reaction causing the destruction of red blood cells, a problem with gastro-intestinal motility, systemic acidosis, systemic alkalosis or a cardiac problem.
Side effects :
It is possible that your pet develop hyperkalemia which translates into a variety of clinical signs, such as muscle weakness, disturbances in digestion or cardiac conduction. These signs may increase in the presence of hypocalcemia (abnormally low levels of calcium in the blood), hyponatremia (abnormally low sodium levels in the blood) or acidosis (increased acid). When given orally, this medication may be irritating to the gastro-intestinal system. If your pet presents any serious adverse effects, that worsen or persist, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Recommanded monitoring :
It is important to observe whether the condition of your pet improves and if he presents any side effects. The level and frequency of monitoring depends upon, among other things, the cause or severity of hypokalemia (abnormally low levels of potassium in the blood), the renal function, the acid-base balance, the state of the disease or the simultaneous administration of other medication. The follow up may include, potassium levels, other electrolytes or blood glucose, urine analysis or an electrocardiogram depending on the case.
Interaction with other medications : Do not use K-gluconate, unless advised by a veterinarian, if your pet takes a non-steroid anti- inflammatory, digoxin, a diuretic or an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor.
Storage :
Store at room temperature. Excess heat or cold should be avoided. This medication should be protected from the light.
Warning : Respect the expiration date of the product because an expired product may be less effective or potentially dangerous for the health of your pet. *Keep out of the reach of children and animals.*