Separation anxiety
When you leave the house, does your dog start barking and never stops? Do your neighbors complain about the noise? When you return, do you find urine and feces on the floor, not to mention chewed furniture and broken knickknacks? When everyone is at home, does it seem evident that your dog is more attached to one person, whom he follows everywhere and whose absence makes him more nervous? If this is the case, your dog is probably suffering from separation anxiety.
Separation anxiety is mainly characterized by signs of distress such as vocalization, inappropriate eliminations and destruction. We often remark a hyper-attachment to one member of the family, but this may even be to a group of people or another dog. Often, the dog also shows postures associated with puppies such as an invitation to play, low postures and nibbling.
This condition is often the consequence of bad training during the period of detachment and a bad training for staying at home alone.
It is generally easy to teach a dog to stay alone. His anxiety and fear can be reduced by teaching him to detach from the people he is fond of in an inappropriate manner using a good education and kindness.