
You have consulted us for a problem involving epilepsy.


In dogs, seizures can be either generalized or partial. Generalized seizures involve finding the dog on his side, the limbs are jerky(tonic-clonic contractions), there is often hyper-salivation and a loss of consciousness. Partial seizures may affect a single or a group of muscles that contract (in the face for example). In both cases, there is a period after the seizure where your animal will be disoriented (post-ictal).


It is important to immediately consult a veterinarian if the seizures last more than 5 minutes, as this may endanger the life of your pet. Do not try to intervene during these attacks, but simply try to ensure that the animal does not injure himself. You must remember that even during the period of disorientation, he may not recognize you and try to bite.


Several elements may be at the origin of these seizures and usually several tests should be made to try and find the cause. The tests that may be recommended are: blood tests, urinalysis, blood pressure, analysis of cerebrospinal fluid, a magnetic resonance and a CT scan.


We recommend that you mark down the dates of the seizures and note: the location, time, duration, activity and signs observed just before the attack.


Seizure prevention:

In general, an antiepileptic agent will be prescribed if your animal was presented in epilepticus status, if he has had more than 2 generalized seizures over a period of less than 6 months, if he has grouped epileptiform seizures or if he shows aggression in the post-ictal period. The medication must be administered for all of his life and requires that you return for regular blood work monitoring depending on the recommendations of your veterinarian.


If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact us at 514-355-8322, out team will be happy to inform you.


Good luck!