Japanese Bobtail

Race: Japanese Bobtail

Nationality: China, Japan

Weight: 2.5 to 4 kg
Size: Medium
Type of hair: short or semi-long

Standards colors: All the colors are recognized except for chocolate, lilac and colorpoint. The
tricolored and bicolored are among the preferred patterns. The Mi-Ke (tricolor, black, red and white
which produce only females) is the most sought after. The patterns are sharp and marked and the colors
are sustained.

Origins and history: The origin of these cult cats could be first Chinese, then Japanese because they are
represented in the 11th century on noble objects of art and prints of several countries of the Far East.
Only the imperial family and the aristocratic possessed this breed. It was very honored and even
venerated, especially the tricolored variety called Mi-Ke, symbol of luck and happiness. These cats are
represented with the right front leg raised, which means Maneki-Neko or greeting cat, both in houses
and Japanese temples. In 1968, the first Japanese Bobtails were imported into the United States by
breeder E. Freret, who would start a breeding program. The CFA edited standards in 1971 and the FIFe
recognized the breed in 1990. In 1981, the first imports into France took place with the female Sirikit
and the male Aikido.

Personnality Bright, extroverted, independent and curious, he is gifted with a strong personality, much
like all oriental cats. He is not always friendly with his companions however he most often ignores dogs.
Very playful, he gets along well with children. He "sings" with a soft voice and is "talkative". Very
affectionate, he gets especially attached to his master. Well-balanced, he has an excellent character and
adapts just as well to life in an apartment as outside. Athletic and a hunter, he's crazy about water.
Remarque: Maintenance consists of a weekly brushing. It's moult is small. The maximan length of the
tail should be between 5 and 8 cm however, if it is completely stretched it reaches 10 to 13 cm.