
Breed: Schnauzer
Family: Schnauzer type
Nationality: German
Weight (kg): dwarf: 4 - 7; average: 15; giant: 30 - 40
Size (cm): dwarf: 30 - 35; medium: 45 - 50; giant: 60 - 70
Hair type: rough and hard
Color standards: dwarf: all shades of salt and pepper, medium: jet black or salt and pepper, giant: jet black or salt and pepper
Origin and History: This breed is native to the Württemberg region of Germany. Until the nineteenth century, the distinction is not made between pinschers and schnauzers. Their name was attributed in 1904.
Personality: They are nice dogs, devoted and affectionate to family. They are vigilant and very suspicious to strangers.
Health problem known:
Dwarf: juvenile cataract, progressive atrophy of the retina, Legg-Perthes-Calvé, epilepsy, pancreatitis, hypothyroidism, haemorrhage, liver disease, dental problems.
Medium: hip dysplasia, hypothyroidism, cataracts, cancer
Note: Needs a lot of space and exercise
Hereditary illness
• Myotonia Congenita (muscular hypertrophy, stiff gait)
• Dysplasia (developmental anomaly) of the hip and elbow
• Aseptic necrosis (degeneration) of the femoral head
Patellar dislocation (patella)
• Progressive atrophy (degeneration) of the retina
• Congenital cataracts
• Microphthalmia (smaller eye)
Predisposition to diseases
• Calculations (stones) urinary
• Cataracts
• Hyperadrenocorticism (overproduction of cortisol by the adrenal glands)
• Diabetes mellitus
• Mitral valve disease
• Pancreatitis
• Distichiasis (row of supernumerary eyelashes that point to the cornea)
• Blackheads (blackheads)
• Sick sinus syndrome (heart rhythm disorders)
• Hypothyroidism (decreased hormone production by the thyroid gland)
• Portosystemic shunt (short circuit of the liver through the bloodstream)
• AHMI (Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia)
• Atherosclerosis
• Pulmonary stenosis (narrowing of the pulmonary valve)
• Fibrocartilaginous embolism
• Juvenile kidney disease
• Mega esophagus (distension of the esophagus)
• Superficial necrotizing suppurative dermatitis