Les races de lapins

Breed: Alaska

Family (group): average breed

Nationality: Germany

Weight : 3.5kg – 4kg
Type of hair: ---
Body: Black with highlights.
Shape of ears: V-shaped.
Length of ear: From 10.5cm. to 1cm.

Acceptable colors: Black with blue undercoat.

Breed: American Fuzzy Lop

Family (group): wool breed

Nationality: ---

Weight : 2 kg
Type of hair: long and bushy
Body: It is physically identical to the Dutch, with the exception that it has long hair like the Angora.
Ear shape: floppy ears

Accepted colors: Blue, brown, chinchilla, lynx, opal, white lilac albino, squirrel chocolate sable points, siamese sable, siamese smoke-pearl, tortoise-fawn, black, orange

Note: This breed was derived from a cross between a Dutch and an Angora ram.

Breed: French Angora

Family (group): wool breed

Nationality: France

Weight: 3.4 - 4.7 kg
Type of hair: Long and bushy
Body: This rabbit is the opposite of the Rex rabbit, it has very long and bushy hair. The length of hair must exceed 10 cm.
Ear shape: trimmed V-shaped tuft

Accepted colors: White

Breed: Argente rabbit

Family (group): Small breed

Nationality: England

Weight: 2.7 - 3 kg
Type of hair: Short and smooth
Body: Colored rabbit with interspersed hair.

Accepted colors:
Silver-black, silver-blue, silver-tan, brown, silver, silver-cream.