The big operation in female cats
Why get your female cat fixed?
- Because sterilization prevents fatal diseases.
- Because sterilization helps to control the overpopulation of cats.
- Because sterilization reduces wandering.
- Because sterilization eliminates the need for a ceasarian section when giving birth is not going according to plan.
Did you know that...?
- Female cats can give birth to 8 to 10 kittens at once.
- Every year, a female cat can be pregnant up to 5 to 6 times.
- Up to 60 babies per year can be born from the coupling of one male cat with one female cat.
At what age do we fix female cats?
BEFORE problems appear so BEFORE puberty.
Generally between the ages of 3 and 6 months.
The risk of cancerous mammary tumors is 11 times lower if the surgery is performed before the age of 6 months!
How much does it cost?
Prices vary from one animal to another.
Certain costs are the same for everybody:
- The surgery itself.
- The anesthesia.
- The anesthetic surveillance.
- The basic medication.
Additional costs might be added :
- Blood tests.
- An intravenous catheter with or without IV fluids.
- The use of the surgical laser.
- Extra painkillers.
The blood test : Why do it?
- Because it allows us to verify that the organs that eliminate the anesthetic drugs are in good shape.
- Because we might discover diseases that increase the risk of anesthetic complications and that are not apparent from the outside.
IV catheter and fluids : Why are they important?
- Because they provide a direct access to a vein for the injection of emergency drugs in case of a complication.
- Because fluids keep the animal hydrated during the anesthesia and help to maintain a normal blood pressure.
The surgical laser : Why is it better than the scalpel blade?
The laser's advantages:
- The surgical wound is less painful.
- There is less bleeding and less swelling from the wound.
- The risk of the wound getting infected is lower.
The anesthetic surveillance : What's that?
Under veterinary supervision, our animal health technicians make sure that the animal tolerates the anesthesia well.
The anesthetic surveillance starts at the time of the injection of preanesthetic drugs.
It ends when the animal leaves the hospital.
BEFORE surgery:
- We make sure that she does not have a heart murmur and that her cardiac rythm is regular.
- We inject her with a tranquilizer, a muscle relaxant and a painkiller.
- We install an IV catheter through which fluids wil be administered (if authorized by the owner).
- We anesthetize her and then we insert a tube in her trachea to administer the anesthetic gas and oxygen during the surgery.
- We install an oxymeter on her tongue so that we can monitor her cardiac rythm and blood oxygen level throughout the surgery.
- We put ocular lubricant in her eyes to keep them moist during the anesthesia.
DURING the surgery:
- We constantly check the data provided by the oxymeter.
- If needed, we adjust the oxygen and anesthetic gas levels delivered to her.
- The IV fluids' speed of delivery is adjusted as well if needed to maintain the blood pressure normal.
- A heating mat is placed under her to prevent a too important drop in body temperature.
AFTER the surgery:
- After stopping the anesthesia, we stay beside her until she wakes up.
- During that time, we ensure that she breathes easily, that her heart rate is good and that her body temperature comes back to normal.
- If the temperature is too low then we place her in an incubator to warm her.
- We remove the tube from her trachea only when she starts to swallow to prevent the secretions in her throat from going into her lungs.
- When she is completely awake, she goes back in her cage.
- Just before she leaves that night, one last physical exam is done to check her vital signs and the state of her surgical wound.
Does it hurt?
Avoiding pain in animals = Our PRIORITY!
How do we achieve that?
- By eliminating pain on many fronts!
- By controling pain DURING AND AFTER the surgery!
- By preventing the animal from feeling pain EVEN BEFORE pain appears!
But still...
- By injecting a morphine derivative before and after the surgery.
- By using the surgical laser instead of the scalpel blade.
- By administering an injectable antiinflammatory drug at the end of the surgery.
- By prescribing an antiinflammatory drug to give orally at home for a few days after the surgery.
- By applying local anesthetics on the surgical wound.