Medication's name
Medication's description
It is a glucocorticoid anti-inflammatory medication.
Prednisone is used to control inflammation and to diminish the immune system's activity.
It is also used as an additional treatment for certain types of cancers and to replace the natural cortisone that is not produced in sufficient quantity by the sick adrenal glands.
This medication must not be used, unless otherwise permitted by a veterinarian, with growing animals or when there is a generalized fungal infection, hypertension, kidney failure, corneal ulceration, osteoporosis or when there are not enough blood platelets in circulation.
Use with caution with diabetic animals or with animals suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
For more information on this subject, please consult your veterinarian or see the monograph that comes with this product.
Adverse effects
They appear mainly in patients treated chronically with the drug or with high doses. Principal side effects are an increase in thirst, hunger and in urine production.
Other possible side effects are a weight gain, a decrease in activity level, depression, diarrhea or a delayed growth in young animals.
Prednisone can cause or worsen diabetes, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers or liver problems.
To know more about additional side effects, please read the monograph that accompanies this product.
Follow up
Make sure that the pet's condition is improving and that he is not suffering from any side effects.
When used long term or on older pets, it is advised to do blood work before starting the treatment and at regular intervals during treatment to make sure that internal organs stay healthy.
Drug interactions
Prednisone can interact with anticholinesterasic agents, amphotericin B, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine, digoxin, diuretics, ephedrin, insulin, ketoconazole, mitotane, oestrogens, phenobarbital, phenytoin and rifampin.
Prednisone can also reduce the pet's immune response to vaccines.
Please inform the veterinarian if the pet is already being treated with one or more of those medications before starting prednisone.
This medication must be protected from light and stored at room temperature. Excess heat or cold must be avoided.
Do not increase the dosage prescribed by the veterinarian, as this can increase the risk of side effects.
It is also important to stop the medication progressively and not abruptly when used chronically.
Keep out of reach of animals and children.