Chlorpalm 250®
Active ingredient
Drug description
This product is an antibiotic of the phenicols family.
Chloramphenicol is used in domestic animals to treat various bacterial infections.
Do not use this antibiotic, unless otherwise authorized by a veterinarian, if the animal is suffering from bone marrow, kidney or liver disease, or if it is a newborn animal.
For more information on this subject, it is best to discuss with a veterinarian or consult the monograph that accompanies this product.
Side effects
Chloramphenicol can damage the bone marrow and cause anemia, bleeding disorders and decrease the immune system's efficiency.
Like most antibiotics, it can lead to a decreased appetite and level of activity, vomiting and diarrhea.
For more information on other possible side effects, please refer to the monograph that accompanies this product.
Recommended monitoring
Make sure that the animal's condition improves and that it does not suffer any side effects.
With long-term use, it is best to periodically perform blood tests to make sure that the animal's organs and systems are functioning well and that its bone marrow is healthy.
Drug interactions
Chloramphenicol can interact with many drugs: folic acid, beta-lactam antibiotics, cimetidine, iron, lidocaine, and other drugs that work on bone marrow, pentobarbital, phenobarbital, primidone, propofol, rifampin, and vitamin B12.
It is important to advise the veterinarian if the animal is already receiving any of these medications when starting Chlorpalm 250®.
Store at room temperature.
Excess heat or cold should be avoided.
Wear gloves when handling the product and shake well before using. Wash your hands afterwards.
In order to prevent the development of antimicrobial resistance, it is important to complete the prescription, even if the symptoms have disappeared.
Keep out of the reach of children and animals.
In the presence of severe, worsening or persistent side effects, contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.