
A detergent composed mainly of inorganic salts which is non-corrosive, non-irritating (once diluted) and little toxic. Kills a large number of viruses, bacteria and mushrooms without staining*. It is used to clean and disinfect veterinary hospitals, animal shelters as well as non-critical medical instruments and apparatus in order to obtain disease free surfaces.

Name and concentration of the molecule: Potassium monopersulfate 21.4% p/p


Used by veterinary hospitals and animal shelters to disinfect surfaces as well as non-critical medical instruments and apparatus in order to render them free of disease.

Action mode

Its activity is based on a buffered synergized acid peroxygen system containing a high concentration of surfactant which gives Virkon® its germicide power.


We must first determine the amount of disinfecting solution we want and then choose the adequate level of dilution and finally add the appropriate number of tablets or quantity of powder ( using a graduated container) to warm water.

For the tablets:

If we want 500 ml of solution, we must dissolve:

             1 tablet to obtain a solution of 1% p/v;

             2 tablets to obtain a solution of 2% p/v;

             3 tablets to obtain a solution of 3% p/v;

If we want 1L of solution, we must dissolve:

             1 tablet to obtain a solution of 0.5 % p/v;

             2 tablets to obtain a solution of 1% p/v;

             4 tablets to obtain a solution of 2% p/v;

             6 tablets to obtain a solution of 3% p/v;

If we want 2L of solution, we must dissolve:

               2 tablets to obtain a solution of 0.5% p/v;

               4 tablets to obtain a solution of 1% p/v;

               8 tablets to obtain a solution of 2% p/v;

               12 tablets to obtain a solution of 3% p/v;

For the powder:

If we want 1L of solution, we must dissolve:

               30 g of powder to obtain a solution of 3 % p/v;

               20 g of powder to obtain a solution of 2% p/v;

               10 g of powder to obtain a solution of 1% p/v;

               5 g of powder to obtain a solution of 0.5% p/v;

               2 g of powder to obtain a solution of 0.2% p/v;


Dissolve the number of grams of powder or tablets indicated above in lukewarm water to obtain the desired dilution. The result should be a clear, light pink solution that remains stable for 7 days at room temperature. The tablets dissolve in 3 to 4 minutes.

To clean and disinfect non-critical medical equipment:

Thoroughly apply the 1% p/v Virkon® to surfaces using a mop, a sponge, a cloth or a vaporizer after having removed the excrement and other stains. Leave a 10 minute minimum contact time**.

For laboratory equipment and bowels:

First clean them with a brush and then leave to soak in a 1% p/v Virkon® solution for a minimum of 10 minutes** (without going over 30 minutes for metal objects) before wiping. Rinse all equipment destined to be in contact with food with tap water.


*Consult the instructions that accompany the product to know the complete list of micro-organisms that Virkon® is known to be effective against.


*Consult the instructions that accompany the product to know the contact time and dilution concentration recommended when a causal agent has been identified as responsible for the declaration of a disease on the animal premises or when the mortality/morbidity rates are higher than normal.

Remove all animals from the immediate sites to disinfect during disinfection.

Keep out of the reach of children. The product may be dangerous if swallowed. Do not mix with other chemical products. Store between 15°C and 25° C in a dry place in a tightly sealed container. The pot contains a desiccant sachet that should remain present during storage. Do not use the solution in which contaminated material was used.




Pots of 50 tablets of 5g and packs of 50 sachets of 50g of powder.