H/D Heart Care

Taurine and carnitine added to help support the heart’s normal muscular function.

Reduced sodium and chloride content to help control symptoms associated with edema (fluid retention) and ascites (fluid accumulation in the abdomen), and help reduce generalized and kidney hypertension.

Limited amounts of proteins and phosphorus designed to reduce the workload of the kidneys and slow down the progression of concomitant kidney disease.

Increased levels of B-complex vitamins and magnesium to compensate for the loss of these nutrients in the urine of dogs treated with diuretics.

Antioxidants added in the dry formula to protect cells against free radicals, thus promoting a healthy immune system.


Indicated for dogs with cardiovascular disease, primary hypertension, ascites / edema (fluid retention) and heartworm disease.


Not recommended for growing puppies and pregnant or lactating females, or for animals with sodium deficiency, too much fat in the blood, who are suffering from or who have suffered from pancreatitis in the past.


Hill’s® Prescription Diet™


Kibbles: 407 kcal / cup

Pâté: 480 kcal / 13 oz cans.




Bags of 17.6 lbs. of kibbles.

13 oz cans of pâté.