Milk for puppies®

Replacement milk for puppies aged 0 to 6 weeks.


To feed orphaned puppies or supplement the diet of puppies coming from a large litter or those whose mother does not produce enough milk. Ideally, puppies should drink the colostrum of their mother during the first two days following their birth.


Administer the mix at body temperature (37C) according to the regular intervals while respecting the quantities recommended below, taking into consideration the age and weight of the animal. Divide the quantity calculated for the day into equal portions.

Number of meals per day:

8 for the week 1,

7 for the week 2

6 for the week 3,

5 for the week 4 and 5.



To prepare the mix, fill the bottle provided with powder up to the mark written POWDER. Next, add warm water up to the mark written WATER, attach the teat to the bottle and shake vigorously in order to mix it well, then add water as needed up to the water mark. Peirce a hole into the tip of the teat before the first feeding. When another container is used, dissolve 1 part of powdered milk into 2parts warm water. Mix well before each use.


Weigh the puppies daily in order to adjust the quantities of replacement milk to administer. Weak or small bread babies should be fed every 3-4 hours. Conserve the non-reconstituted powder at room temperature and out of the light. Once reconstituted, the mix should be conserved in the refrigerator and used within the following 24 hours.

From the 4th week of life, the puppies should progressively learn to eat solid food. The replacement milk should only be used as needed until the puppy has access to an adequate amount of maternal milk or until he is completely weened and able to eat solid food.


Limit the consumption to 350g of powder per puppy per day.




350g pot including 1 bottle and 2 teats.